Crazy 8® Chain
This chain has 8 successive 5" splashing rattle birds with a snap swivel under the last teaser for easy change of machine stinger. These 8 birds tear up a long line of splash on the surface followed by a machine stinger just below the surface. These birds have rattles in their wings to generate even more noise and vibration. You can buy this chain without a stinger if you would like to try out your own stinger. We recommend using a 9" Machine. You can select your stinger on the product page.
Suggested Spread Location: Long Rigger or Down the Middle just behind Long Rigger, but really works well anywhere in the spread!
Eight 5" Soft Skirted Birds (Last one is longer to cover the snap swivel)
250# Momoi Smoke Blue Mono
Stainless Ball Bearing Coastlock 300# Snap Swivel
Free Lure Bag Included
Magnum Crazy 8® Chain
The Big Brother to the Crazy 8, the Magnum Crazy 8 has 8 successive 7" skirted birds. These larger birds have bigger wings to generate even more splash. These birds have rattles in their wings to generate even more noise and vibration. There is a snap swivel under the last teaser for easy change of machine stinger. You can buy this chain without a stinger if you would like to try out your own stinger. We recommend using a 12" Machine Stinger. You can select your stinger on the product page.
Suggested Spread Location: Long Rigger or Down the Middle just behind Long Rigger, but really works well anywhere in the spread!
Eight 7" Soft Skirted Birds
250# Momoi Smoke Blue Mono
Stainless Ball Bearing Coastlock 300# Snap Swivel
Free Lure Bag Included
Deep Runner 48
This deep running chain weighs 48oz when using the recommended 5oz Joe Shute stinger. The front squids each have a 7.5oz weight in it. It tracks deep below the surface depending on your speed and how far back you troll it. It has been proven for both yellowfin(right in the middle even with long riggers) and bluefin(way way back). We recommend using a 5oz Joe Shute with a Crystal skirt as the stinger. You can select your stinger on the product page. Feel free to experiment with other stingers.
Suggested Spread Location: Flat Line - close to the boat or near the back of the spread
Five Weighted 9" Bulb Squid
250# Momoi Smoke Blue Mono
Stainless Ball Bearing Coastlock 400# Snap Swivel
Joe Shutes pin-rigged with 9/0 Mustad 7961 Stainless Steel Hook and Stainless Ballyhoo Spring
Free Lure Bag Included
Deep Runner 28
This is the smaller version of our classic Deep Runner Chain. Each of the 6" Squid has a 4.75oz weight in it. It tracks deep below the surface, depending on your speed and how far back you troll it. It has been proven for both yellowfin(right in the middle even with long riggers) and bluefin(way way back). We recommend using a 3oz Joe Shute with a Crystal skirt as the stinger. You can select your stinger on the product page. Feel free to experiment with other stingers.
Suggested Spread Location: Flat Line - close to the boat or near the back of the spread
Five Weighted 6" Bulb Squid
250# Momoi Smoke Blue Mono
Stainless Ball Bearing Coastlock 400# Snap Swivel
Joe Shutes pin-rigged with 9/0 Mustad 7961 Stainless Steel Hook and Stainless Ballyhoo Spring
Free Lure Bag Included
Light Sterling/Joe Shute Chain
This is a great surface chain as the lead bird makes a commotion and keeps this chain on top while the rest of the lures track just below the surface with a killer swimming ballyhoo following it up. It can be pulled in any position in your spread, but if you flat line it you will have to clip it down to keep the bird in the water.
Starts with a 7” lead bird- then (3)- 3/4oz Sterling Island Witches- then the stinger is a 1oz Joe Shutes- pin rigged for ballyhoo- Mustad 7691 9/0 Hook, 8’ 130# Momoi Smoke Blue Leader(See pics below).
Suggested Spread Location: Long or Short Rigger
Teasers: 1 – 7” Hard skirted bird, 3 – 4.5” Sterling Island Witch
Hookbait/Stinger: 1 oz. Joe Shute – Pin-rigged, screw-on baitspring, Mustad 7691 Stainless Steel 9/0 Hook
Heavy Sterling/Joe Shute Chain
This is an excellent sub-surface chain that can be pulled in any position on the boat. Great for rough days and it is always a good idea to have some lures running below your surface splashing lures. This chain starts with (4)- 3/4oz Sterling Island Witches- then the stinger is a 5oz Joe Shute- (pin-rigged for ballyhoo, Mustad 7691 9/0 Hook, 10’ 130# Momoi Smoke Blue Leader). See pictures below.
Suggested Spread Location: Flat Line, Long Rigger or Down the Middle just behind the Long Rigger
Teasers: 4 – 4.5” Sterling Island Witch
Hookbait/Stinger: 5 ¾ oz. Joe Shute – Pin-rigged, screw-on baitspring, Mustad 7691 Stainless Steel 9/0 Hook